Showing posts with label Saving $. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saving $. Show all posts

Hydro Quebec Flex D Rate - Controlling Clothes Dryer with Insteon EZIO relay

We're just over half the peak demand season in Quebec, so far, so good. Will write up some articles on what I've done so far. On one demand management period a few weeks ago, someone in the house started the clothes dryer, I caught it after it had been running for about 10 minutes. One of the problems with the whole energy management / peak demand implementation is that it is difficult to get everyone in the house on the same page. I understand that at $0.50 per kW-hr - running the dryer for an hour ends up being an expensive proposition. It's harder to get the two 12 year olds in the house to understand. 

LG Clothes Dryer - Cover Off, Control Board back left of the photo. Relay will go close to control board

For avoiding future problems with the dryer, I decided to implement an interrupt to prevent the dryer from starting during a peak demand event. We have an LG dryer with an electronic control board. I didn't want to get into switching the power feed to the dryer - it's a large circuit. I decided to try interrupting the door open switch, effectively putting a second switch (relay) in series with the door open switch. 

Opening the cover of the dryer exposes the wiring and control board. Cut the power before opening the dryer cover for obvious reasons. The wiring diagram was attached to the inside sidewall of the dryer, and still quite legible. 

LG Dryer Wiring Diagram

The dryer switches 120V (one leg of the 240V), and it switches the connection to neutral. When open - it provides the neutral connection for the lamp inside the dryer, causing the lamp to come on. When closed, it provides the neutral connection for the control board. I decided to interrupt the neutral connection to the control board, in a fail safe fashion. My relay will be normally closed on the neutral circuit to the control board, so that if there is no control system, no connection to the relay power - the dryer will function normally. The interrupt feature will require 24VAC from my control system. 

Wiring in the relay with a relay base was quite simple - 4 connections. 

Relay with base installed on a short braket - no interference with top cover

The wire to the control board was a yellow wire according to the wiring diagram - very easy to identify. I simply cut the wire, crimped in two extensions to take the connection over to one of the relays normally closed pair of terminals. I use heat shrink crimp connections for a neat installation.

Connections made on the NC relay terminals - interrupt yellow wire (neutral to control board)

I ran a control wire down into the basement next to the dryer vent line - very easy in my case - and over to an automation panel where I had a pair of existing Smartenit EZIO 4x2 Insteon relays. I just selected one of the relay output terminals, and used 24VAC from the transformer in the cabinet. When going through the dryer case - I was careful to run the cable through a rubber grommet to avoid any shorts in the future, and ensured my cables were well attached to the dryer frame with zip ties. 

I just finished testing the connection. It works perfectly. When interrupted - the electronic control panel stays powered up, all the control lights are illuminated, but when you press the start button, nothing happens. The control board thinks the door is open and won't initiate the drying sequence. All good. This project was surprisingly quick and easy - took about 2 hours in total. Feel free to ask any questions down below. 


Hydro Quebec Flex D Rate - Peak Demand Project

Hydro Quebec, my provincial electricity utility, is trialing a dynamic pricing model this winter. It hasn't been rolled out to all residential consumers yet, it's in a trial phase. I applied for the trial and was accepted to participate. I figured that dynamic pricing is inevitable with Quebec's push towards electric cars, so I might as well jump in and see how it goes. My home is already extensively automated, so I should be able to come up with protocols to deal with the peak demand events with a minimum of manual intervention.

The base electricity rates in Quebec are tiered. The first 40 kWh per day are charged at 6.08¢/kWh (1st tier). The remaining energy is charged at 9.38¢/kWh (2nd tier).

The "Rate Flex D" is a dynamic rate where electricity is cheaper than the base rate in winter, except during peak demand events, when it’s more expensive. From December 1st to April 31st of the following year, outside of peak demand events, the price of electricity is below the base rate, so you can save money (4.28¢/kWh for the first tier of 40 kWh/day, and 7.36¢/kWh for the 2nd tier). During peak demand events, electricity is billed at a high price (50¢/kWh). The day before a peak demand event, you receive a notification.

I've been through three days of peak demand events so far. In this post, I'll describe some of my preparation, and how things are going so far. 

First, here are some characteristics about my house.

  • Large, two story house with full basement. Electrically heated garage on an elevated concrete slab, with basement space below the slab. 3/4 of the basement is finished, 1/4 is utility space housing the fan coil, most of the zoned ductwork, the electrical entrance, and storage space under the garage;
  • 400A electrical entrance, with three 200A breaker panels. One panel is designed for critical loads and is connected to a generator transfer switch. There was a generator installed at one time at the house, it has since been removed. 
  • Principal heat source is a Carrier Infinity Greenspeed 4 ton heat pump with variable speed indoor fan coil, with three stages of backup electric resistance heating. The heat pump can maintain a constant temperature in the house, without electric backup heating, down to about -14C. Below that temperature, the heat pump needs help. The heat pump thermal efficiency drops to 1 at about -20C, where it no longer is effective.
  • The forced air ductwork is zoned, with a separate zone for each level of the house - basement, main floor and 1st floor. I upgraded the Infinity system to full zone control this year, and can now control the temperatures on each floor independently. 
  • There are supplemental electric resistance heaters in most of the rooms in the basement for comfort. These are controlled by programmable thermostats. Now, since the zone heating upgrade, I haven't bothered turning those circuits on since I can effectively control the basement temperature from the principal heating system. Our offices are in the basement, and with COVID confinement, a comfortable working temperature in the basement was one of the prime drivers to do the zone heating project.
  • I have extensive Insteon control over lighting. Virtually all lighting in the house, on all levels, is controlled by insteon switches and dimmers. 
More to follow in this series on Rate Flex D Peak Demand.....


Multiple Zone Retrofit Carrier Infinity Residential HVAC System

I upgraded my residential central heating system three years ago with a new variable-speed Carrier Infinity Greenspeed 4 ton heat pump and fan coil. The previous system was about 22 years old, and had some upgraded components, but ultimately, the 22 year old fan coil developed a refrigerant leak in the coil, and replacements were no longer available. I looked at having a custom coil fabricated, but ultimately, decided to go with a full variable speed system for efficiency, low temperature capability, and greatly reduced outdoor noise with the variable speed heat pump.

Close duct - basement supply. Far duct - main floor supply with Belimo Damper Actuators

My house has three levels - main floor, basement and first floor. The house was originally constructed with three ductwork branches, one for each level, and each branch had a bypass damper installed. The bypass dampers allow excess air from any one zone to recirculate within the mechanical room back to the furnace. In my case, the bypass was open to the room and not ducted, for this reason, the large mechanical room in the basement was always very warm in the heating season, or very cold in the cooling season - a tremendous waste of energy.

At one time, the dampers were controlled with an industrial PLC which was also connected to thermostats on each level of the house. By the time I purchased the house, the PLC controller was no longer functioning and the system was operating as a single zone system, however, the thermostats were still installed on the walls, and the dampers could be controlled manually with toggle switches on the original PLC panel.

Manual Damper Controls on Legacy PLC Panel Cover

With the Covid-19 lockdown, my wife and I were working from home full time, from our office in the basement. In the summer time, the basement was too cold, and I began manually modulating the dampers to heat the basement in the summer for better comfort. This was laborious, especially considering the dampers had a 45 second full cycle time - you had to manually hold the spring loaded control switch for 45 seconds to make the damper position change. I quickly scrapped this idea and thought about upgrading the Carrier Infinity system with its Damper Control module and retrofit damper actuators. 

Components required for the retrofit - 2 Zone Thermostats, 3 Zone Actuators and the Zone Control Module

Researching how the Infinity Damper Control module controls its dampers, I learned that it expects the damper actuator to have a 15 second cycle time from full open to full close. If the Damper Control module needs to modulate damper position partially open or partially closed, it will simply actuate the damper for a fraction of 15 seconds - for example, half open - it will power the actuator for 7.5 seconds from full open or full closed. It also has a current limit of 1A at 24VAC. My Belimo dampers would not be compatible, so I would have to replace them. Carrier sells two damper actuators which are compatible with the Infinity system - standard damper actuators complete with the damper for new installations, and a retrofit damper actuator designed for round shaft dampers - in two versions - 90 degree rotation and 45 degree rotation. I needed the 45 degree versions. 

New Carrier Retrofit Damper Actuator DAMPACT45DEG-R on the Left - Old Belimo Actuator on the Right

So - I ordered all the parts and got started. The first order of business was replacing the actuators. I could take my time with this without affecting the normal system operation. 

First step before removing old actuators - mark shaft with damper blade orientation

And for each damper - mark the blade orientation - Damper Open and Closed

In my case - the damper opened with counter clock wise (CCW) rotation, but the markings on the Carrier actuator are for clock wise (CW) opening. So - I simply relabled the actuator cover with open and close positions reversed, both for the electrical connection and for the orientation sketches. Not only does this help yourself keep things straight during installation and cabling, but it will really help the next guy that comes along sometime in the future and has to figure out what you've done. 

Carrier DAMPACT45DEG-R Damper Actuator Cover Relabelled for CW Opening

I expected this to be fairly quick and straightforward and it was - until I tested the actuator with 24VAC. The actuator could not supply enough torque to move the damper for the basement or main floor dampers which were installed horizontally. The first floor damper, which was installed in a vertical duct, was properly balanced and the Carrier actuator had no problem with it. 

Measuring torque required to move damper blade
So - to check to see how much trouble I was in, I took a pair of vice grips and gripped the damper axle. Then, I took a digital fish scale and hooked it on the vice grips at a measured distance from the axle (8") and pulled the damper open - careful to keep the scale oriented exactly 90 degrees to the radius to the axle. I measured approximately 2lb of force required at 8" - which works out to 16 in-lb of force. The Carrier Actuators are rated for 10 in-lb of force, and the old Belimo actuators were rated for 133 in-lbs. So - the new Carrier actuators were 13 times weaker than the Belimo actuators, and half as strong as what I needed. What to do now..... 

The axles did not protrude from the other side of the duct, so I would have to come up with a solution on the actuator side of the axle. I checked out counterweights - some are available online, and the principle is that you have a weight on an arm that is fixed to the axle at a particular orientation - with the weight at a particular distance from the axle to balance the damper blade. I didn't have enough space to use a balance weight because I had ductwork above each actuator installation - I only had about 3" of clearance above the two horizontal duct actuators. 

I thought about using springs to assist with opening the actuator, to reduce the torque required. Luckily, I had a mixed kit of Power Fist extension and compression springs from another project. I realized that I could simply replace the short shaft lock screw with a longer lock screw - the screw thread is 5/16" diameter, and I had some 2" bolts in my hardware stores. 

Damper actuator assist first attempt - extension spring attached directly to 2" bolt

First I tried connecting an extension spring directly to the 2" bolt - however, very finicky to retain the other end, and I found that the spring yielded easily because of the relatively long travel of the head of the lever (2" lock bolt) compared to the relative short length of the extension spring (about 3" compressed). So, I selected some additional extension springs and cobbled together a spring assembly using zip ties. 

Prototyping an assist spring for the damper

I ran out to the local home improvement store, and found some 3" fully threaded 5/16 bolts to allow me to use a washer and nut to attach the spring assembly near the head of the lever bolt. 

2nd Try - 3" fully threaded lock bolt with spring assembly

Upgraded with small turnbuckle for Tension Adjustment

I was able to get these adjusted to reliably assist the opening and closing of the dampers. In my case, if the furnace fan was running - it greatly impacted the torque on the axle. I adjusted the dampers to reduce the opening and closing effort without the fan running, because I expected that the Damper Control module would only actuate the dampers at a reduced fan speed. I turned out to be correct. 

With damper actuators resolved, I moved onto installing the remote thermostats. You have the option of installing 2 wire thermocouples, or 4 wire communicating thermostats. I went with the thermostat option, which Carrier calls a "Smart Zone Temperature Sensor", Carrier part number SYSTXCCSMS01. Luckily, I had a 4 conductor cable already in the wall from a Legacy home automation system - so I just reused the existing cable. 

Smart Zone Temperature Sensor baseplate and 4 wire communicating cable connections

Smart Zone Temperature Sensor installed in the upstairs master bedroom

With the actuators and zone thermostats installed, it was now time for installation of the Zone Control module. Before undoing any connections, shut power off to the furnace, fan coil and thermopump, to ensure that the 24V control transformer is powered down. 

In my installation, I had a Carrier Network Interface Module installed to control my whole house air exchanger. This ended up greatly simplifying my installation, because all system cables already ran to a location just above my fan coil, so I didn't have to move any cables. 

Carrier Network Interface Module

As I removed the cables from the Network Interface module, I labelled each cable with 6mm Brother TZ tape, with clear heat shrink to protect the label. This provides a durable label that won't fall off or become illegible over time. Helps avoid errors during installation, and greatly assists the next guy that has to come along and maintain or modify the system. 

As I disconnected cables from the Network Interface Module, I labelled them

The new Zone Control module installed on the ductwork above the fan coil in place of the old Network interface module. I labelled all the new thermostat and damper actuator cables and brought them into the Damper Control module enclosure. Zip ties help keep the cabling neat. In my case - the master thermostat (what Carrier calls the "User Interface") connects here, as well as the 4 wire communication cable to the fan coil. 

Damper actuator cables connected to the terminals on the Damper Control module

Cabling complete - Thermostats, Damper Actuators, Air Exchanger

Once all the cabling is complete, double check all of your connections, and then reapply breaker power to the fan coil and thermopump, this powers up the 24V system transformer and powers up the User Interface (Master Thermostat) and the Zone Thermostats (Smart Zone Temperature Sensors).

The first thing you need to do is program the Smart Zone Temperature Sensors with the correct zone number. This is done at the Zone thermostat - because it is a communicating device and the commications cable connects to a common interface ABCD bus, and not a particular terminal on the control board. 

Program the zone number on the Smart Zone Temperature Sensors

With the zone sensors programmed, you then need to reset the installation at the User Interface. This will force the User Interface to query the Carrier communication bus and identify all connected components - the fan coil, the thermopump, the two smart zone temperature sensors, and the zone control board. 
Carrier User Interface queries the communications bus and identifies connected equipment

Carrier User Interface identifies the Zone Control Module, and 2 Additional Zone Thermostats

With all equipment identified, the system automatically starts a duct assessment, and checks the flowrate (duct sizing) of each zone.

Duct Assessment in Progress

When the duct assessment is complete, it displays the results. In my case, I have relatively high leakage and I later realized that the humidifier bypass duct is open - this will cause air recirculation that appears as a leak. I intend to redo the duct assessment with the humidifier bypass duct closed and see what effect this has. 

Results of duct assessment

Then - the setup process finishes, and you can now control all three zones independently from the user interface / main thermostat. You can control the remote zones using the Smart Zone Temperature sensors as well. This worked perfectly from initial startup, and I really like the new capability. 

System status - temperature control screen - shows setpoints and temperatures of all zones

System status - temperature control screen on the Carrier iPhone app - Same information

System has been running for 2 days now - I've programmed the the first floor where we have our bedrooms for cooler temperatures at night to promote better sleep, and the basement during daytime hours to be warmer for comfortable working temperature from home. I'll be fine tuning the programs going forward to optimize energy consumption. Stay tuned for an update once I have some operating experience and data. 


Shimming the Breville Smart Grinder BCG800XL for a finer Espresso Grind

I've been tuning up my coffee system for the past several months, coffee is a passion and daily espresso shots has been a routine of mine for many years. Check out my other posts on upgrades made to my Rancilio Silvia machine. Once I got my PID kit installed, I was able to manage temperature and shot time very easily. The next variable which I started working on was grind, and I found that I wasn't quite able to grind fine enough with my Breville BCG800XL grinder. Close, just not close enough.

Breville BCG800XL with Bean Hopper and Cone Removed
Off to the Internet! I found that Breville offered a free shim kit upgrade for this grinder. I called Breville customer service in North America, and found that my BCG800XL was discontinued. I owned this grinder for only five years. I initially thought about purchasing a replacement grinder, but I'm not keen about replacing things when they are still serviceable, and supporting the throw-away society. I decided to see what I could do to shim the grinder myself.

Use the handle of a wooden spoon to hold the burr from turning while removing and reinstalling the nut
Removing the burr is simple and takes approximately 10 minutes with one tool, a 10 mm wrench or socket. I removed the Burr and measured for washer shaped shims, and ordered some shims. 

Shims in place with Burr removed
When the shims arrived, I started by adding the 0.5mm shim. I could choke the machine a full 6 clicks from the finest setting, this shim was too thick. Then, with the 0.3mm shim, I found I could choke the machine at about 2 clicks from the finest setting. Perfect. My optimum grind is now 4 clicks from the finest setting, and I have several clicks finer to fine tune the grind if necessary.

Use the tip of a knife to ensure the shims are centered under the burr, before tightening the nut
Hint when removing and installing the burr - the nut holding the burr is REVERSE THREADED, turn right to loosen (not left). Also - I used the handle of a wooden spoon to jam the burr and keep it from turning while removing and reinstalling the nut.

0.3mm shim on left, 0.5mm shim on right
This fix will work for the following grinders (and possible others):

Breville Smart Grinder BCG800 
Breville Smart Grinder BCG800XL 
Breville The Smart Grinder Pro BCG820BSS 

The Breville kit part number used to be BCG800/116.1. 

I have spare shims available for sale on eBay at this link.

Rebuilding BMW Transmission Oil Cooler Hose Quick Connect Fittings

I pulled the BMW E61 into the garage last week to sort out a few issues - rear axle CV boots leaking, oil leak, and low boost pressure. On inspection, I found a leaking transmission oil cooler quick connect fitting, which was spraying oil on the charge air duct from the intercooler to the intake manifold.

The upper (pressure side) tranmission oil cooler quick connect fitting is leaking

I did some research on the internet, could not find any articles about people rebuilding these fittings. This hose costs $170 - expensive to replace for a simple leak. I figured since it was leaking anyway, I would try to take it apart and see if there were replaceable seals. The part numbers of the hoses affected are: 17227570973, 17227571978 and 17227571985.

Once the connection is separated, I took a pick and very easily removed two regular o-rings from the female side of the fitting.
It was easy to remove two standard o-rings from the fitting using a pick. I was careful not to scratch the inside of the connector shell. Once I had the o-rings removed, I noted there were two spacers made from plastic - one green spacer deep in the fitting, and one gray spacer just above the green spacer.

O-rings removed from the fitting, see the green spacer and gray spacer just above. 
The old o-rings were squared off, and not very pliable. They held their out of round shape upon removal. I measured the old o-rings and then estimated what the original uncompressed size would be. They appeared to be standard metric o-rings, and a quick trip to the local o-ring supplier yielded some potential replacements. 

Old o-rings above, new o-rings below. Two per fitting. 
Next step was to stuff the new o-rings into the fitting.  To start with, I used a pick to push the green spacer to the bottom of the fitting, and lift the gray spacer to the top of the fitting. This leaves a groove the width of two o-rings to fit the first replacement o-ring. I stuffed the o-ring into the fitting using some needlenose pliers. 

Start by pushing the green spacer to the bottom of the fitting.

Then - insert the replacement o-ring using needlenose pliers. 
I used the needenose pliers to insert the o-ring into the fitting just above the green spacer, and then to hold one side of the o-ring in the correct position while I used a screwdriver to massage the o-ring into position. With the first o-ring in place between the green and gray spacers, use your pick to push down the gray spacer (and the first o-ring) against the green spacer. 
First o-ring inserted above the green spacer. 
Next step, insert the second o-ring just above the gray ring just as before. With both o-rings inserted, I closed the fittings, cleaned them carefully to remove all traces of oil, so that any new leaks would be apparent. Following a run-up - the two fittings I repaired were both well sealed. I created this simple schematic showing how the o-rings stack in the fitting. 

If you're careful with the plastic ring and don't break it when disassembling the connection, you may be able to repair it. One other tip - if possible, before disassembling, wash the hoses with soap and water, and get into the release clip side of the fitting with a toothbrush to get as much grit and sand out of the fitting. Blow water out of the release clips using compressed air, and this will make the disconnection a bit easier. Comment below if you have any questions. 


Saving Money and Time - Bypass your Refrigerator Water Filter with a Simple Kitchen Filter System

There were a few problems here that I wanted to solve. We've become addicted to carbonating our own water - and eliminating the trips to the store and the wasted empty bottles from purchasing carbonated water. We bought a name brand carbonator - and really enjoy it except for two things. The cost of the CO2 refills, and the time it took to refill the carbonating bottle from the carbon filtered fridge water outlet (about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes each time). Our only water filter was in the refrigerator, an expensive model that cost about $50 to replace and needed replacement about every 6 months. The refrigerator had a coil of 5/16 plastic tubing to cool the water - and a 1/4" copper feed line running across the kitchen, about 20' of line. By the time the water reached the fridge and crossed the water filter, we had significant pressure drop and slow flow out of the fridge.

Whole House 10" Filter Upgrade - For Kitchen Sink Cold Water, and line to Refrigerator
I looked at ways to upgrade the fridge system - increasing the size of the feed line, increasing the size of the lines in the fridge - and realized this would be just too big of a retrofit, and would take too long. So - I decided to install a 10" whole house water filter housing under our kitchen sink - and filter all the cold water going just to the kitchen sink and refrigerator. I would install the carbon block filter there under the sink, and remove and bypass the carbon block filter in the refrigerator.

Ready to drill the hole in the countertop to run the CO2 line to the carbonator. 
 I've solved the cost of the replacement CO2 cartridges by purchasing a 20lb CO2 bottle and an adapter hose compatible with my carbonator. Works great, now I'm refilling the 20lb tank about every 6 months, instead of small CO2 bottles every 2 or 3 weeks. I wanted to hide the CO2 tank under the sink - so I needed to drill a hole in the Quartz countertop. I purchased a diamond tipped hole saw for this purpose - drilling the hole was real easy and took only about 15 minutes.
The only tool I had to purchase - a small diamond tipped hole saw. Decided to get a good one.

Drilling the hole in the countertop - the red colour is from the paint coming off the hole saw.

After photo - paint removed from the hole saw

Nice clean hole in the quartz countertop
 Now - onto the water filter installation. I purchased a Dupont branded 10" whole house water filter housing online. I purchased threaded brass PEX tubing adapters to screw into the head of the water filter to be able to make the cold water connections. I installed 4 small ball valves to be able to completely bypass the water filter in case of a problem, or while changing filters. Redoing the PEX water piping was the longest part of the job, took me a Saturday morning to do, combined with re-routing my sink drains (that's another story).
Plumbing the new water filter under the kitchen sink. I've removed the double sink drain pipes to give myself some room
 Cold water runs through the single 10" filter - I have nice clean municipal water feeding the house so all I needed is a single carbon block filter. If you're water isn't clean - well water or otherwise - you may need a second particle filter upstream of the carbon filter. The only consumers downstream of my water filter are my kitchen sink, and the refrigerator. So now - to refill water bottles for carbonation, I can refill from the kitchen sink to have carbon filtered water without any Chlorine taste, and it only takes about 10 seconds to refill a bottle. The carbonator is right behind the sink - so very quick and efficient.
The completed water filter installation - complete with a full bypass line in case I need to take the filter out of the circuit

20lb CO2 tank underneath the sink located next to the water filter.
Bypassing the water filter in the refrigerator was very easy. For my refrigerator, all I needed to do was to remove the water filter - there is an automatic bypass valve inside the refrigerator that bypasses the water flow when the filter is removed. Now - filling a glass of water from the refrigerator is about twice as fast with the water filter removed - since the pressure drop across the filter is gone.

All in all - very happy with this upgrade. Great tasting water without waiting around for water to get out of the refrigerator outlet. Let me know if you have any questions.

Sources and Links

I hope you found this post useful. Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below. I answer all questions.
